Regardless of the industry, your business will always welcome new ways to streamline its processes, reduce its costs and improve its productivity. This is why you should consider investing in cloud based services within your organisation.
The cloud is a relatively new piece of tech that has already helped a number of businesses worldwide. We look at 5 reasons why your business should be thinking ‘cloud’ too:
- Flexibility
Flexibility within business is often underrated. Companies can often plan growth but being prepared for when it does happen, sometimes quicker than expected, it can be difficult to adapt. The cloud generally allows this to happen almost effortlessly and can scale up or down to suit your business requirements. Moreover, you may have to contact reputed companies like TekStream (check out their splunk cloud services), who can help you install cloud solutions for your business.
- Work from anywhere
When it comes to using cloud computing services, all you need is an internet connection which means your staff members can work from anywhere. According to a recent study, 42% of adults would give up an average of 6% of their salary to be able to telecommute.
- Security
Security is becoming a massive issue among big organisations and there are hundreds of thousands of tech lost each year, which could have meant a large loss of data. The cloud means that everything is backed up and ready for you, even if you make the mistake of losing your laptop or tablet for example. Cloud platforms can be made secure by your remote it teams, as they often have the know-how to set up as well as monitor and maintain entire cloud systems.
- Helps the environment
Not only does cloud computing mean you can reduce the amount of space taken up by in-house servers, but you also help the environment in the process. If businesses were to adopt cloud based services, they would use around 30% less energy consumption and carbon emissions than they would using onsite servers.
- Reduce capital costs
The maintenance of onsite servers can add up and you need to employ staff to monitor it too, meaning the costs can become expensive. With the cloud, you only pay for what you need and your energy bills can be reduced too, as mentioned above, so it’s a win win.
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