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The Real Reasons Why Many People Don’t Code

When there are discrepancies apparent in some specific employment data, it is important to take a step back and question the validity of the stats and assumptions. The academic college system is one of the world’s strongest systems for creating and reinforcing false statistics. People seek statistics to confirm their own beliefs. Software Engineering Used […]

Making interviews a positive experience

Make no mistake, whichever side of the desk you are sitting on interviews are difficult. On one hand you have the nervous candidate desperately trying to convince the interviewer that they are the perfect person for the job. On the other side you have the weary employer hoping that every person who walks into the […]

Which Type of Office is Right for Your Business?

When you set up your business, you might not give much thought your office. At first, you’re unlikely to need a very big space. It could just be you and one or two other people working out of your bedrooms. But as your company starts to grow, and you gain employees, you should think about […]

How To Choose The Right Office For Your Small Business

As you grow your business you will most likely reach the point where you want to look at expanding into a purpose made office and possibly to hire employees and grow your operation into something more official. Google’s HQ basically define what a nice office space is! Moving into an office for the first time […]