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Career tips

4 Job Ideas Everyone Should Consider This Year

Photo Credit Would you like to wake up in the morning feeling excited about the prospect of starting your day? Then you need to look for a more enjoyable job. There are thousands of different positions you could choose from. Most of them require previous experience or official qualifications. With that in mind, you may […]

Top 10 Tips to Make it as a Driving Instructor

If you’ve got your heart set on becoming a driving instructor, you might be interested to know some top tips that will help you along the way. Not only will these tips help you to become a driving instructor, they’ll help you to get more business too. Use these tips and you’ll be able to […]

How to Craft the Perfect Business Pitch

Making a speech is stressful: all the research and preparation, the drafting process, practicing over and over, the uncomfortable weight of so many eyes on you, hoping they won’t notice your voice shaking… My palms are getting sweaty just thinking about it.

Should You Consider A Career As A Solicitor?

People often dream about living in a society where we all lived together in perfect harmony. It would be great if we lived in a world where no-one committed any crime or fought against each other in wars. Sadly I don’t think that dream will ever become reality. At least, not in my lifetime anyway! […]

Six Important Reasons You Should Get Work Experience

Photo Credit People often moan about doing unpaid work experience. Thinking that you deserve a huge salary the moment you graduate is naive. Everybody needs some relevant experience before they can get a job. That means that you need to be willing to work for nothing so that you can get your dream job. Finding […]

Take the Stress Out of Relocating For Work

Whether you’ve found a new job or you’re moving with your current work, relocating to a new city can be a challenge. Shifting your life from one place to another takes a lot of doing and it can be a daunting process. However, by following these simple tips, you can take some of the stress […]

Qualities And Skills You Need To Become A Successful Estate Agent

link to picture source Estate agents have enjoyed a boom over the last few years thanks to the measures taken by the government to stimulate the housing market. The Help To Buy Scheme has proven to be a roaring success and enabled many people to buy a home with only a five-percent deposit. The lenders […]

Six of the Best Coolest Careers

For those that need a change of pace, you don’t have to stick to the same humdrum jobs. You can have a cool career that can take you a lot further than your desk. It is time to break out of your comfort zone. If you want a brand new career that is fresh and […]

Employ Smart Or Don’t Start

When starting your own business there are a lot of risks you need to make in order to grow and progress as a company, but one corner you should definitely not cut is employment. When first beginning, you’re not likely to go out and have a hiring spree as it’s neither logical nor good for […]

3 Top Tips for Successfully Finding a Job

Finding a job, in the current market, can be tough. However, there are a number of things that you can do to ensure that you are back in full employment. While unemployment in the USA may be high, there is no reason that you cannot find a job within the current economy. It is not […]