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Career tips

Should You Consider a Career in SEO?

See if the following sounds familiar? “What do you do for a living?” “I work in the SEO industry.” Silence. If you are a marketer, you are very familiar with these types of conversations even though search engine optimisation is a very popular service that is in high demand within the digital landscape of today. […]

How Do Law Vacation Schemes Help?

Sоmе trаіnее ѕоlісіtоrѕ аnd law students are lеаrnіng thаt thе UK lеgаl рrоfеѕѕіоn nо lоngеr offers the ѕоlіd аnd reliable lеgаl careers іt оnсе dіd. In fасt, thе Law Sосіеtу оf Englаnd and Wales recently ran a campaign wаrnіng students аbоut thе rіѕkѕ оf рurѕuіng a lеgаl career.

Social Media and Employment

Mаnу people thіnk of thеіr ѕосіаl mеdіа аѕ a reflection оf who they аrе. Thаt іѕ truе, but whаt people don’t realise is how muсh of themselves is оut thеrе for others to rеvіеw. In the раѕt, people put their bеѕt fооt fоrwаrd tо their еmрlоуеrѕ. Thеrе was little concern about their personal lіfе соmіng […]

Interesting Casino Industry Careers

It’s no secret that most people are stuck in dead-end jobs they really never thought they’d ever be doing and really don’t like. Some industries like the casino industry offer some exciting career prospects though, and here’s a few for you to consider if you’d love to have a dynamic and exciting career.

Rewarding Massage Therapist Careers

Fulfilling Massage Therapist Careers A career as a massage therapist can be highly enriching. That’s why so many people all over the United States and world go into massage therapy every year. If you’re a dedicated professional massage therapist who is passionate about your craft, focusing on continuing education may be a great choice for […]

Admin Skills – How to Take Effective Meeting Minutes

Learning a set of admin skills as a compulsory part of your formal schooling and even your tertiary education seems like a bit of a frivolous necessity until you find yourself in a situation where you’re actually called upon to use those skills. One of those admin skills is indeed taking the minutes of meeting, […]

Five Fast Ways To Destroy Your Career

There’s a lot of attention paid to the concepts of getting the career that you’ve always dreamed of, but equally important is simply to avoid the activities that will destroy that career once you get it.

Is the Life of A Pilot For You?

People are conditioned from a young age to think about what they’re going to do with their lives. The carefree days of childhood are rather short lived when from the moment you’re able to speak, people are asking you what you want to be. This in itself isn’t a bad thing. People should be encouraged […]

Using Motivation To Enhance Career Possibilities After Negative Events

Bad stuff happens. It’s part of life. You wouldn’t have the good if you didn’t have the negative things to compare those events with. But, when it comes to career possibilities, there are consequences for some of the things that adults run into. And though it may seem extremely difficult to get back on the […]

5 Reasons why an MBA is your highway to success

The international business environment is as competitive as it’s ever been. From the spectacular world of Silicon Valley start-ups to the ever-growing Chinese industry, there’s something going on in every corner of the planet. Keeping up to speed with the latest developments is a full time job in itself, which partly explains why the popularity […]