What To Look For In A Disaster Recovery Solution

We’re sure you all understand how easy it can be to lose important documents and files from your computer systems. That is why we believe that finding a suitable disaster recovery as a service solution is essential in the modern office. Even so, it can be tricky to know which solution is best for your business. Considering that, we thought it would be wise to release a post that explains some of the main elements you should be looking for. So long as your disaster recovery solution allows all these benefits, you’ve probably made a good decision.

Automatic backup

Ideally, you want a disaster recovery solution that automatically backs-up your entire network every ten or fifteen minutes. Any longer than that and you could lose a lot of information if something bad happens. When an efficient data storage and backup is in place, you can save your company from the risk of delayed backups or unverified restores.

Fast turnaround

If something does go wrong, you’ll want to get everything sorted as quickly as possible, right? For that reason, you should look for a disaster recovery solution that allows you to get back up and running in only a few hours. If it takes days, you’re going to lose a lot of money.


You need a disaster recovery solution that automatically encrypts all your backup files. At the end of the day, if a hacker has managed to get onto your network, you don’t want them to get into those files.

You now know about some of the main elements you should look for in a disaster recovery solution. While there are lots of different ones on the market today, some are more suitable than others. So, just perform a bit of research before settling on the perfect one for your company.

This infographic was designed by Netstar